be used to sth.造句,磁力链接 您所在的位置:网站首页 used sth to do sth be used to sth.造句,磁力链接

be used to sth.造句,磁力链接

2022-12-25 13:05| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

be used to造句_用be used to造句大全

19、Pulp and can be used as a screening system, the machine can alsobe used topre-select Paste. 20、They find the vine canbe used tomake paper and b...

be used to do sth造句简单(used todo造句子简单) - 翻字...

be used to do sth造句简单【一】 1 . 我的小侄女非常的可爱,和她一起度过了欢乐的时光! 2 . 今天的雪下得好大啊,有的地方甚至下了有一米深呢。 3 . 妹妹用倔强的眼神看着我,仿佛在...

用be used to do sth造句 - 雨露学习互助

1.We are used to the noise from the traffic now.2.I am used to getting up early.3.I didn...

用be used to do sth造句用be used to do sth造2句...

1.We are used to the noise from the traffic now. 2.I am used to getting up early. 3.I didn't think I...

beusedtodosth造句 - 百度文库

‎be‎u‎se‎d ‎to‎ d‎o ‎st‎h 被‎用来‎做某‎事 1‎ u‎se‎d ‎to‎ d‎o ‎过去‎常常‎做某‎事 ‎be‎ u‎se‎d ‎to‎ d‎oi‎ng‎ 习‎惯于...

beusedtodosth造句 - 豆丁网

beusedtodosth造句usednused主语sth d‎oi‎ng‎习‎惯于‎做某‎事d‎oi‎ng‎习‎惯于‎做某‎事‎st‎h被‎用来‎做某‎事的‎一般‎疑问‎句有‎两种‎构...


一、beusedtosth例句? ① be used to do…是一个被动语态短语,意为“被用来做…”,例句如下: Nowadays, mobile phones are more and more used to help us work...

用be used to(习惯于)造句? - 百度知道

你好,used to do sth. 表示过去常常做某事。联系记忆:be used to doing sth. 表示习惯于做某事。同义词组为get used to doing sth.例句:I am uesd to having a ...

用be used to(习惯于)造句 - 百度知道

be used to(习惯于)造句如下:1、This piece of cloth can be used to make a pair of pillow cases.这块布可以做一对枕套。2、If necessary X-rays and blood t...

用be used to do sth造句 - 超级试练试题库 -

用be used to do sth造句用be used to do sth造2句话! 提问时间:2020-06-13 答案 1.We are used to the noise from the traffic now.2.I am used to getting up early.3.I di...

be used to do sth造句_百度教育

百度试题 题目be used to do sth造句 相关知识点: 解析 He is used to go to school by bike他习惯于骑自行车上学. 反馈 收藏

用be used to do sth造句用be used to do sth造2句话!_英...

用be used to do sth造句用be used to do sth造2句话!英语人气:448 ℃时间:2019-12-01 13:00:08优质解答1.We are used to the noise from the traffic now.2.I... do sth; be used to doing sth; use sth to do sth;...

bed is used to sleep I am used to eating gum I use soap to wash clothes

英语造句用 used to do sth ,be used to doing sth 各造两...

Our dog, Rex,used to sit outside our front gate and bark. 我们的狗雷克斯过去常蹲在大门外吠叫. There used to be low and dirty houses. 那里曾是些矮而肮脏的房舍. I...

Day 386 Friday口语主题造句 be used to doing sth 习...

1 The girl is used to running in the morning. 这个女孩习惯了早上跑步。 2 The students are used to reading English aloud. 学生们习惯了大声朗读英语...

Day 386 Friday口语主题造句 be used to doing sth 习...

3 I’m used to getting up early. 我习惯早起。 4 Girls are used to losing weight. 女孩习惯减肥。 5 The girl is used to wearing high heels. 这个女孩习惯穿高跟鞋。 本站是...,beusedtosth和beuseddoingsth77个词组造句7个词组造...

用bemadeupfor,bemadeof,bemadefrom,bemadeinto,bemadein,beusedtosth和beuseddoingsth77个词组造句7个词组造句我来答 共1个回答 132***2579 ThetimelostmustBemadeupfor.损...

beusedtodo(beusedtodo造句简单) - PPT汇

2、sb be used to doing sth,某人 适应了/习惯了做某事,,并且be可以用become或者get替代。如:I am used to getting up early. 3.used to do,过去常常做某事,...






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